About our Phamily

Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity has a life-long commitment to creating physicians of integrity, supporting a new generation of health care professionals, and addressing the complex agendas of today’s men and women seeking careers in medicine.

The Washington Alpha Chapter at the University of Washington, Seattle was colonized in 2014, then officially chartered in January of 2016.

PhiDE by the Numbers

WA Alpha Chapter Members
Pre-Medical Chapters
Medical Chapters
Members Worldwide
Medical School Acceptance Rate for Members: 92%

Our Guiding Principles



Phi Delta Epsilon believes in giving back to our global community. Our international philanthropic and service partner is Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals. There are more than 170 Children’s Miracle Network hospitals worldwide. Each year these hospitals treat 17 million children for every disease and injury imaginable. Collectively they impact the lives of more children than any other children's organization in the world. Our partner hospital is Seattle Children's Hospital.



Phi Delta Epsilon believes in helping future physicians understand how they are working towards something greater than themselves. Although the pre-medical track is inherently competitive, it is important to remind ourselves what motivates us and why we wanted to become physicians in the first place: to serve others.

Equity & Education

Equity & Education

Phi Delta Epsilon is dedicated to creating physicians of integrity. We believe that all students should have an equal opportunity to pursue the highest quality of education. We believe that a safe community with individuals that support each other is what it takes to achieve this.

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